Privacy Policy

This page contains information on the methods used to process the personal data of users who consult this website.

This information is provided pursuant to article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of personal data to those who interact with the services and web pages of the site accessible electronically from the address corresponding to the homepage of the site.

The policy is provided exclusively in relation to the site in question and its parts. It cannot be extended to other sites of pages not belonging to the site itself, which are consulted by the user through links.

After visiting or interacting with this website, data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed.

Data controller

The Data Controller is Phollidee S.R.L., with registered office in Via Teodosio 55, 20131 Milan (Italy) and VAT number 09317750967.

The processing operations connected to the web services of this site are carried out at the aforementioned offices of the Data Controller, and are only handled by technical and operational personnel of the offices in charge, or by any persons in charge of maintenance of the data collection platform.

Communication of data

The data collected may be communicated to any data processor during the provision of the web service or consultation of the pages; they shall not be communicated or disseminated to other parties, unless explicitly authorised by the user or required by law.

Type of data processed and purposes of the processing

Navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to run this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified parties, but by its very nature, could allow identifying users, through processing and association with data held by third parties.

This category of data includes:

  • IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users who connect to the site;
  • URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the resources requested;
  • time of the request;
  • method used to submit the request to the server;
  • size of the file obtained in response;
  • numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.);
  • other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment.

This data is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on site usage and to check its correct functioning and is deleted immediately after processing. The data could be used to verify responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site. For further information, please read the cookies policy on the website

Data provided by the User

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of an email to this site entails subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, which is necessary to respond to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.

The specific policy can be viewed from the link in the site’s contact form.

Processing method and data retention

Personal data collected during navigation are processed by automated tools, using logics strictly related to the purposes indicated and in a manner that ensures security and confidentiality in accordance with article 32 of the GDPR.

Data are kept for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.

Rights of the data subject and exercise methods

You are informed of your right to request access to your personal data, to rectify, erase, limit the processing of data concerning you, to oppose their processing, to data portability (articles 15 to 22 of the EU GDPR).

You may exercise your rights and know the third parties to whom the data may be disclosed by sending a request to the email address: or by filing a complaint with the competent authority.

Complaint to the Guarantor

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority at the Guarantor for Personal Data Protection, by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the address: Piazza Monte Citorio no. 121, 00186 ROME (Italy); or to the certified email address, or to the competent Supervisory Authority of another EU Country.

Last updated: 22/10/2018

Cookies Policy

This extended policy describes specifically and analytically how cookies are used by the site,, with reference to processing the personal data of identified or identifiable Users who access it.

The policy contains all the elements required by article 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679 and is prepared in accordance with the General Provision of the Data Protection Authority of 8 May 2014.

Data controller

The Data Controller is Phollidee S.R.L. - Via Teodosio 55, 20131 Milan (Italy), Vat Number 09317750967 - which uses specifically appointed data processors to manage the data of its employees or external entities.

1) What are cookies and what are they used for

Cookies are small text files that are automatically placed on the User’s device by the websites they visit. The information is stored and the cookies are then sent back to the same website on the User’s next visit (so-called “first party cookies”). While browsing, the User may also receive cookies from different sites or web servers (so-called “third party cookies”); this is because the Websites may contain some elements such as images, maps, sounds, specific links to web pages of other domains that reside on servers other than the one on which the page requested is located. In other words, these cookies are set by a website other than the one the User is currently visiting.

Cookies can have a duration limited to a single browsing session (so-called “session cookies”) and, in this case, are automatically disabled when the User closes the browser; or they may have a predetermined expiry date and, in this case, they will remain stored and active on the User’s hard disk until said expiry date, continuing to collect information during different browsing sessions on the browser (so-called “permanent cookies”).

Cookies are used for various functions. Some are needed to allow the User to browse the Site and to take advantage of its functions (so-called “technical cookies”). Others are used to obtain statistical information, in aggregate and non-aggregate form, on the number of users who access the Site and on how the Site is used (so-called “monitoring or analytical cookies”). Lastly, other cookies are used to track a consumer profile of the User and to show the User advertisements on the Site that may be of interest to them, as they are consistent with their tastes and habits (so-called “profiling cookies”). To learn more about these different categories of cookies, continue reading this policy. Find out how they work and what they are for.

2) First party technical and analytical cookies

These cookies are installed directly by the Site visited. Technical cookies are needed to navigate or provide a service requested by the user, they are not used for other purposes and are normally installed directly by the owner of the website. Without the use of these cookies, some operations may not be able to be executed or may be harder and/or less secure, such as activities where cookies are essential in order to perform and maintain the identification of the user within the session.

Analytical cookies are necessary for collecting information and statistics from the User and are used to evaluate the browsing experience. Without the use of these cookies, the site owner will not be able to collect information on what visitors view and what they are interested in. This helps to improve future browsing experiences.

Cookie nameCookie categoryfunction of the CookiePrivacy Policy
SESSIONTechnical cookiesUsed to identify the
_gaAnalytical cookiesThis cookie is used by Google Analytics to identify a user with a unique ID,
_gidAnalytical cookiesCookie used to identify the
_gatAnalytical cookiesUsed to distinguish

3) Third-party anonymised analytical cookies

The following third-party analytical cookies are installed on the Site without the User's prior consent because they are less invasive and anonymised, since third parties cannot access disaggregated analysis data at the IP address level (in other words, by using these cookies, third parties cannot trace the user’s identity).

The site does not uses anonymised analytical cookies from third parties.

4) Third-party non-anonymised analytical cookies

The following third-party analytical cookies are, instead, installed on the Site only with the User's prior consent, because they are not anonymised and therefore, third parties can access disaggregated analysis data at the IP address level (in other words, by using these cookies, third parties could trace the user’s identity through the IP address).

The site does not use non-anonymised analytical cookies from third parties.

5) Profiling cookies

Profiling cookies allow creating User profiles and are used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences shown by the User during navigation. Due to the highly invasive nature of these cookies vis-à-vis Users’ private sphere, European and Italian legislation requires Users to be informed appropriately on their use so as to give their valid consent. The use of these cookies requires prior acquisition of the user’s consent through the banner made visible to users when they visit the Site for the first time.

The Site does not use profiling cookies.

6) Social buttons and widgets

Social buttons are those particular “buttons” displayed on the Site depicting the icons of social networks (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) and allow users who are browsing the site to interact with social networks directly with a "click.".

The site does not use social buttons.

Widgets are spaces where, through a graphical interface, the user may interact with an application, program, or another website.

The site does not use widgets.

Links to the Owner's accounts on social networks (for example LinkedIn) are made through simple links and do not install third-party cookies on the site.

7) Tracker

Trackers are useful tools and technologies to provide users with engaging and interconnected experiences, consisting of code fragments that send information about users of the site to other companies.

Trackers can use the information submitted for various purposes, like sending personalised ads, analysing user behaviour or providing services within the site such as access to social networks or comment areas, and other features. In most cases, the information collected is anonymised or pseudonymised information; sometimes the personal data do not undergo such processing, which means they can directly identify a specific user.

The use of this technology could slow down the browsing experience, and above all, could compromise the confidentiality of the user’s personal data.

The website uses the following tracker:

Tracker Name (Owner)TypeLink to Privacy Policy
Google AnalyticsSite Analysis

8) Optional nature of data provision

Most of the data submitted through cookies by the user are optional. To learn about how to manage cookies, or to remove them, according to the browser used (Edge, Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Safari, Chrome, Opera…), you can visit the site or visit the addresses of the individual browser manufacturers:

The site uses first-party technical and analytical cookies, anonymously and exclusively for statistical purposes.

9) Processing method and retention period

Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to pursue the purposes explained in the following pages:

Specific security measures are adopted to prevent loss, illegal or improper use and unauthorised access of data.

10) Rights of data subjects

Pursuant to the Regulation (articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR), you have the right to:

  • request access, rectification, erasure, limitation, opposition to the processing of your data;
  • withdraw consent at any time you wish;
  • lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority.

The appropriate request to the Data Controller is submitted by writing to them at:

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority at the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data, by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the address Piazza Monte Citorio no. 121, 00186 ROME; or a certified email to, or to the competent Supervisory Authority of another EU country.

This cookies policy was updated on January 5, 2022.